Being thin is no guarantee of good sex. That's the conclusion of a study by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Self-esteem and accepting yourself are what's important. If you'd like to know how to feel better about your body, read this article.
You don't need a perfect body to have good sex. In fact, extra pounds don't have much to do with making love. Those are the findings of an investigation published by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. The study, conducted by doctors Bliss Kaneshiro (University of Hawaii), Jeffrey Jensen (University of Oregon), Nichole Carlson (University of Colorado, Denver), Marie Harvey (Oregon State University) and Alison Edelman (Oregon Health and Science University), proposed the following objective: to describe the relation between body mass and sexual behavior, orientation, age of first sexual relations, number of sexual partners and frequency of sex.
The results indicated that there is very little difference between women of normal weight and those who are overweight and obese.
Love and You Will Be Loved
In order to enjoy sex it's essential that you relax--something that can seem difficult for people who are self-conscious. They may be more worried about keeping their little rolls covered with the sheets than they are in giving and receiving pleasure. Therefore, the first step in improving your sex life is accepting yourself as you are. Once you do, your self-esteem will increase and you'll be more confident when you take off your clothes. "Self-esteem is extremely important for sex, and self-image as well. If someone considers themself unloveable, even though their partner may be very understanding, they won't be able to respond fully. This person may even reach the point of imagining that their partner is judging them in the same way. This can reach tragic proportions such as irrational feelings of jealousy, which can result in a vicious circle," explained Dr. William Dunn, founder of Lighten for Life.
Change Your Negative Thinking Today!
“You don't love me because I'm fat," "You only want to do this to satisfy your urges," or "I'm disgusting, you don't want me," are some of the thoughts that self-conscious people may think or say. Far from "heating up" the atmosphere, these thoughts inevitably lead to the self-destruction of a couple's sex life--something that begins to spread to other aspects of daily life. "People who think like this need to learn to improve their self-esteem. Ninety percent of self-esteem comes from one's "self"-acceptance, and the other 10% comes from the "esteem" of others. For this reason, the process begins when one accepts oneself and sees the positive things one has. This includes, first of all, one's own body (eyes, hair, hands, the most attractive parts), and secondly, those things you can't see (things you've accomplished, intelligence, kindness, outgoing nature, etc.)" Dr. Dunn points out.
Count to 5 and Recover Your Self-Esteem!
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In order to recover your self-esteem, the first thing you need to do is accept yourself. In order to do that, Dr. Dunn suggests the following:
1) When you wake up each morning, think to yourself: "Thank you God for making such an excellent creation!" "I am wonderful!"
2) Look at yourself in the mirror and flirt with yourself, saying: "I have beautiful eyes. I have lovely hair. I have nice hands." Repeat it each morning.
3) If you have a partner, think: "Right now I am attractive for him. And every day I am becoming even more attractive."
4) On the bus or when you're going to work, repeat to yourself: "I'm essential." Sexuality and one's work are very related. If things go well at work, you'll feel better, more needed, and more desired. And in your sex life, you'll feel the same.
5) As you sit down to eat, think: "My body is beautiful. Now I'm going to become even more beautiful. I'm going to eat what's good for me and I'll eat less sweets and fatty foods."
Study source: Obstetrics & Gynecology 2008
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