Avocados were an essential part of the Aztecs' diet. This fruit originated in Central America and was discovered by the Spanish conquistadors in the sixteenth century. Today, avocados are a popular food and are produced in various parts of the world such as Brazil, Australia, the United States, Israel, Europe, South Africa, and Asia.
Aside from being delicious and versatile in the kitchen, avocados are full of nutrients and beneficial for your health. The most abundant nutrients they contain are antioxidants(vitamin E, glutathione, and carotenoids), vitamin K, vitamin B group, potassium, zinc, fiber, plant sterols, and unsaturated fatty acids. These substances give this marvelous food its antifungal, anticarcinogen, and antioxidant properties. An interesting fact is that people who are allergic to latex could also be allergic to avocados.
Avocados not only keep you healthy, but also looking good. Their unsaturated oils maintain your heartand circulatory system in good condition and also make your skin soft and your hair radiant. Give them a try! Choose a well-ripened avocado, mash it, and use it as a face or hair mask. Let it work for a few minutes and you'll see the difference.
Among the qualities of avocados is their versatility in the kitchen. This fruit can be used to prepare salty or sweet dishes, cold, hot, or at room temperature.
Always be careful not to eat too many of them because they are rich in fat and calories. One-fourth avocado is considered to be one serving of fat.
To include avocados in your diet, try to substitute a few slices of avocado for mayonnaise or butter in your sandwiches. Also, serve guacamole instead of a creamy dip or add avocados to a salad. A good idea is to cut an avocado in half, take out the pit, and fill it with tuna or seafood.
Below, we provide you with a delicious recipe to keep you healthy and looking good!
Avocado and corn salad with dried tomatoes
1 avocado
1 cup sweet corn
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½ cup dried tomatoes
4 teaspoons olive oil
4 teaspoons lemon juice
4 teaspoons chopped parsley
1 teaspoon mustard
1 pinch of salt
Pepper to taste
Peel avocado and slice it. Finely chop dried tomatoes and parsley. In a bowl, mix together avocado, corn, chopped tomatoes, and parsley. In another bowl, combine olive oil, lemon juice, mustard, salt, and pepper. Beat well until well blended. Finally, pour the dressing on your salad, mix all ingredients thoroughly, and serve.
Source: Cousin, Pierre Jean; K. Hartvig. The Complete Guide to Nutritional Health.1 sted.USA: Duncan Publishers, 2004.
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