6 Tips to Avoid Breaking Your Diet on Vacation Time


“God helps those who help themselves” says the popular saying. In other words, one who anticipates, doesn’t gain weight. Especially if we’re going on vacations.

For most, this is almost impossible. In fact, many people find themselves in the middle of a trip with the inconvenience of traveling with extremely tight clothes because they gained weight!
To enjoy your break smoothly (and for the memories of your vacations not to include getting a huge belly) it is essential to prepare in advance and use ingenuity.

Some Ideas to Implement When You’re Away from Home:

• If you take a long trip,it is likely you’ll get hungry at some point. If you’re driving, you’ll probably wonder when and where to stop to eat. So take a hand bag with a small container with healthy snacks.
• If you’re traveling by plane, take a low-calorie energy bar or whole-grain cookies in your wallet or purse. Always take some sugarless chewing gum with you, it will help you reduce appetite and anxiety.
• Begin your day with energy.Especially if you’re staying at a hotel where you can eat whatever you like at the buffet, choose nutritious foods, avoiding excess carbs and fats. Some breakfast ideas: fruit salad, whole wheat bread with white cheese and low fat yogurt.
• Don’t skip your snack.It is very common, when you’re on vacation, to stay out until late at night. But this has a negative consequence: by the time dinner is served, you are extremely hungry. To avoid this, take a break and have a healthy snack between lunch and dinner. Choose fruit, yogurt, or a vegetable sandwich as snack options.
• Become friends with salads.When we’re forced to eat out every night and our budget is limited, it is likely to end at a food court or fast food restaurant. You don’t need to spend a fortune to have a healthy meal. Most food chains offer tasty salads. Choose the one you prefer, but don’t add a dressing.
• Guide to eat at fast food restaurants.
• Use the refrigerator at your room.Before you go out, visit a supermarket or grocery store and buy some yogurt, fruit, whole wheat bread, low fat cheese, and diet sodas. Besides saving money, you’ll be able to prepare your own snacks and take them with you the next day. Remember to take small bags to save your sandwiches and snacks!
• Some ideas to prepare a low-calorie sandwich.  http://www.midieta.com/article.aspx?id=20732

Not that you can’t enjoy a special treat when you’re visiting a new place. It only becomes an issue when these treats become very often instead of an exception to your healthy diet.  

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