Achieving a Healthy Weight,May Improve Intimacy

By MyDiet™

Many women would agree: the happier you are with your body, the more comfortable you feel overall. Therefore, achieving a healthy weight will help you feel better physically, and may also help you enjoy your sexuality more.

"Body image is closely linked to a person's self-esteem," confirms sexologist, Yolanda Rodríguez, from the University of Vigo. The Spanish specialist studied 325 young women to research body perception and sexuality. After extensive interviews, research concluded that for more than 80% of women, their satisfaction with their bodies determined their level of sexual pleasure.

However, don't be fooled. The secret to a good sex life doesn't lie in shedding pounds until you become dangerously thin. Experts discuss what a woman's weight should be in order for them to feel comfortable playing in between the sheets. "It's about feeling comfortable enough with yourself so you can just let go without worrying about hiding parts of your body," adds Rodríguez.

According to findings from the First World Congress for Sexual Health held in Sydney, Australia in April 2007, this is a basic concept, fundamental in new relationships.
In a national survey carried out in Mexico by the Mitofsky Consulting Company, women who were thinner reported having better intimate activity. Their chances of choosing partners and having sex whenever they wanted were greater.

Within the framework of marriage, things change a bit. "However, don't rest easy thinking that your partner is going to put up with increasing bellies and hips," advises Rodríguez. A study undertaken by Duke University shed some light on this topic.

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The study followed the sex lives of 161 women and 26 men who were all obese. After dieting for two years, it was concluded that, regardless of gender, as the study participants lost pounds they also shed their insecurities.

"Not wanting to be seen naked and not enjoying sex was especially problematic for women," explains Martin Binks, study director and director of Behavioral Health at the Duke Diet and Fitness Center. The team analyzed how people improved their sex lives as they lost weight. On average, the group lost 13% of their weight over the research period of two years.

That is why sexologists as well as dietitians are currently more compelled to add the sex factor to the list of weight loss advantages, which already includes improved blood pressure and cholesterol levels among others. "Before, weight loss meant feeling better about yourself when looking in the mirror, and being able to wear the clothes you want and not just what you can squeeze into. Now it's about the joy of sharing nudity and intimacy with your partner without the embarrassment," emphasizes John Money, sexologist representing the United States at the World Congress in Sydney.